special authors priv-gift (total free) -------------------------------------------------------------- unique story about ’70 IDEA agency and deejays

To all whose buy my eBook now (version 2018) 
– I’ll send special authors gift (total free)

– gift is unique story about ’70 IDEA agency and deejays !! :-)))))))

… over 300MB content of discotheque and DJs history materials / documents …

- unique content -

click on the pix to enlarge


- free access to this unique information 
about IDEA DJs I own, leaving only short fragments ...

I do limit access to this content on this blog / internet because it is available in my book now ----- this chapter (IDEA DJs) is available FREE(!!) in my giant eBook about worldwide disco and dj history including over 200 interviews with '70 disco era pioneer deejays, artists, producers, journalists, etc. + just a few with (total not cooperative) - IDEA DJs :-)

------------>> eBooks at me :-) pawul70@gmail.com 

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